3 Peices-Dress Suit  40 size

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3 Peices-Dress Suit  40 size

Only one colour is available Dispatch time – 30 working days Colour customization is available. If you require colour customization, choose the appropriate colour from the Neelam colour chart provided in the gallery. Please specify your contact details and the chosen colour in the order notes.
  • Product dispatch is only after complete product manufacturing.
  • Updation is only after dispatch by mail or SMS.
  • Product dispatch time may increase or decrease depending on the manufacturing.
  • Order cancellation, emergency dispatch or dispatch before the product dispatch date cannot be done.
  • Place your order only after reading the instructions.
Estimated Time Dispatch time – 70 to 90 working days Product dispatch time may increase or decrease depending on the manufacturing. NB : Please note that the colours in the images can slightly vary from the original product due to lighting/camera lens and Website image compression. Tracking and Shipment based complaints raised after 30 days from the date of product dispatch will not be taken into consideration. After receiving the product, if there are any complaints, you should respond within 24 hours. A detailed video showing the opening of the package must be provided for return and refund purposes. <div class="wcz-banner-notice wcz-notice-four"> <h4><span>Please Note!</span></h4> <p>Kindly make Appropriate Selection(s) from the below to add to Shopping Cart. We manufacture this product once you place an order &amp; we will deliver it soon :) Shipping days are mentioned in the description.</p> </div>
SKU: K001-1-1 Categories: ,
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